Are Women More Committed Gamers than Men?
Look who’s playing Rummy! From homemakers to the makers of MNCs, women from all walks of life seem to love card games. Indra Nooyi, Chairman and CEO of PepsiCo, said in an interview with CNBC’s Off-the-Cuff program that she plays Rummy to relax her nerves. From strategizing in boardrooms to wondering whether to discard her king of spades, Nooyi seems to be committed about everything she does!
Some Stats on Women Gamers: A Comparison with Their Male Counterparts
Contrary to the stereotype, gone are the days when women used to fuss over men engaged in gaming, online or otherwise. The gaming population today has grown to become extremely diverse, attracting people of all ages and genders. Among the 58% US citizens who enjoy playing online games, around 47% are females over 18 years, according to the 2014 Global Gaming Stats published by Big Fish, the largest producer of casual games in the world.
Apart from women, there has also been an increase in the number of gamers over the age of 50. Stats say that about 29% of gamers are either 50 or above. Flurry, an application analyst company, took a sample of successful games that are played on 1.1 million devices globally. What they found was a drastic rise in the number of women gamers due to the convenience afforded by a smartphone.
The survey showed that 31% women make a lot more app purchases as compared to men. Moreover, 35% women spend a lot more time on gaming apps than men. This has caused a flutter among gaming app developers. The gaming market was not used to attracting such a large female population. Due to this, there is potential for a lot of growth and new ideas in the online gaming arena. Women oriented games are gradually popping up on the Android and iOS platforms.
Popular Gaming Genre for Women
After getting these statistics, Flurry decided to examine the 19 categories of games available on the iPad and iPhone to find out which type of games are popular with females and males, respectively. There were clear results showing the popular categories amongst women, while there were also certain games that were equally popular among both genders.
A few traditional masculine genres like battle games, sports, tower defense, strategy, action and role playing games remained popular with men. Females, on the other hand, were found enjoying puzzles, racing games, arcade games, management and simulation, and endless running games.
Rummy Rules
Card games, particularly 13 card Rummy, are loved by both the genders. This is probably because Rummy can be relaxing or highly competitive, depending on the table you are playing at or the tournament you are participating in. Both men and women like the strategizing involved in this highly popular card game. Moreover, online Rummy offers a great platform to play to novices and experts alike. Women love the entertainment provided by a good game of Rummy, and the thrill is multiplied when there are cash prizes to be won! A recent Tweet by Mandira Bedi indicates that she too plays Rummy.
Mobile Online Games
With the invasion of smartphones, the popularity of online Rummy and other games has skyrocketed. The penetration of mobile devices has resulted in the launch of games that are no longer seen as simply male activities. According to statistics by Flurry, it is easy to conclude that women are more committed gamers than men today. The future of gaming looks really promising for both males and females alike.
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