Cozy Things To Do When It Is Cold Outside

Cozy Things To Do When It Is Cold Outside

Cozy Things To Do When It Is Cold Outside

It is starting to get cold outside and the temperature will further drop in the coming weeks. So, put on your socks, throw on a sweatshirt, and warm up to a cup of tea. Staying indoors seems like a cocoon—cozy and snug, but you feel restless when you run out of ideas of things to do. You just need a fresh dose of ideas. You can play Rummy Cash in your PJs, exercise to beat the winter weight, try your hand at cooking your favourite dish, and do things you never had the time to do. When it is cold outside, pump up the heat indoors. Try out these things that you can do in the comfortable of your warm home.

Online Rummy Equals Fun Time

When you are tucked under your blanket and cozying up with a warm up of tea, take out your smartphone play Rummy Cash real money. Yes, you can win real cash prizes on one of the biggest rummy apps in the country, RummyTu. Here, you can win big rewards as the prizes range from lakhs to crores. This rummy app, which has over 10 million subscribers, has daily and weekly tournaments. Remember, how much fun it was to play rummy with cards in your childhood, now you can play it on your phone anytime. So, when the temperature plummets, snuggle in warm clothes and play India’s most traditional, family game on India’s most favourite rummy app.

Pakoda & Movie Marathon

Nothing like feeding your soul with garma garam pakoda when the air is cold and crisp. It is comfort served on a plate. As you bite into these yummy snacks, switch on your laptop or television and spend your time catching up with movies or television shows. This is the perfect way to stay warm during cool winter nights. What is amazing about entertainment in the 21st century is the options that are available. You can watch a soap operas, movies, or live stream a variety of shows. There are so many genres within these categories. There is a lot to watch and a lot to catch up to.

Sports Nights With The Pals

In December, there are many sporting events across the globe. For most Indians, December is a good month for sport as there are several cricket tournaments. So, gather the pals and have a sport watching event in the comfort of your home. You can hang out and watch any of these matches – West Indies Tour of India, Sri Lanka tour of Pakistan, New Zealand tour of Australia, and other such matches. Cheer together for your favourite team, enjoy good finger foods, and make it a memorable and exciting moment. With the energy surging in you, you will forget about the cold weather outside. So, in the coming weeks, shake off the cold and soak in the love you have for sports.

Exercise The Cold Away

Nothing like heating up the metabolism by turning a cold day into a sizzling workout. When it is too cold to go out, we crave for greasy, salty food, but those calories will go straight to the hips and thighs. Burn away these calories with a good workout. Exercising is the best way to stay in shape and avoid piling on unwanted weight. There are various indoor bodyweight exercises such as squats, push ups, crunches, lunges, planks, mountain climbers, and their variations. These exercises will switch around the cold and warm you up from the inside out. Plus, you will have a toned physique, while others will be loading on food.

Develop Your Cooking Skills

There is always a craving for piping hot tandoori chicken or kebabs, no matter the weather. This is the perfect time to learn to cook and make your favourite dishes at home. There are numerous videos and food blogs that help you to cook, step-by-step. If you want to prepare palak paneer, then search the web for the perfect recipe. The best way to do it, is to check the rating of the article on search, number of reviews, and the rating for the recipe. Whether you are looking for recipes on blogs or video platform, check the credibility of the author. You do not want to land up with poor dish and ruin your cooking experience.

If the weather is cold outside, you can heat things up indoors. There are numerous things to do at home and have a fun and memorable time. So, layer up and make the best of the cold winter nights.

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